Markdown Cheat Sheet

1. **Headings**:

   – To create a heading, use number signs (e.g., `#`) in front of a word or phrase.

   – The number of number signs corresponds to the heading level.

   – For example:

     – `# Heading level 1` creates a level 1 heading.

     – `## Heading level 2` creates a level 2 heading.

     – `### Heading level 3` creates a level 3 heading.

   – Alternatively, you can use `=` or `-` characters for heading levels 1 and 2, respectively.

2. **Bold and Italic**:

   – To make text **bold**, use double asterisks or underscores: `**bold text**`.

   – To make text *italic*, use single asterisks or underscores: `*italicized text*`.

3. **Lists**:

   – **Ordered List**:


     1. First item

     2. Second item

     3. Third item


   – **Unordered List**:


     – First item

     – Second item

     – Third item


4. **Code Blocks**:

   – To display code, use backticks: “ `code` “.

5. **Horizontal Rule**:

   – Use three or more hyphens (`—`) to create a horizontal rule.

6. **Links and Images**:

   – To create a link: `title`.

   – To display an image: `!alt text`.

7. **Tables**:


   | Syntax      | Description |

   | ———– | ———– |

   | Header      | Title       |

   | Paragraph   | Text        |


8. **Footnotes**:

   – Add a footnote reference: `Here’s a sentence with a footnote. ¹[1]`.

   – Define the footnote: `¹[1]: This is the footnote.`

9. **Other Elements**:

   – Strikethrough: `~~The world is flat.~~`

   – Emoji: `That is so funny! :joy:`

   – Highlight: `==very important words==`

   – Subscript: `H~2~O`

   – Superscript: `X^2^`

You can find more details in the [Markdown Guide]( and refer to the [Markdown Cheat Sheet]( for quick reference. Happy writing! 🚀

Source: Conversation with Bing, 4/26/2024

(1) Basic Syntax | Markdown Guide.

(2) Basic Syntax | Markdown Guide.

(3) Markdown Cheat Sheet | Markdown Guide.

(4) Markdown | WebReference.

(5) Learn Markdown Online | How to use markdown tutorial.

(6) Markdown Guide.

(7) Learn Markdown: A Beginner’s Guide to Basic and Extended Syntax.

(8) undefined.